Zetor 8011
Zetor 8011

zetor 8011

We have many new parts available but not listed, if you are looking for a new part but the item you see has a core charge, please contact us. Miniature Tractor ZETOR 8011 2 wheel drive 1/32 manufacturer reference 5246 UNIVERSAL HOBBIES (UH) at the price of 53.90 euros in the Miniature Tractors. If you do not have a core to return, the core charge will not be refunded.Ĭores returned in a damaged state are subject to no or partial credit, so package them well for return as if they were a new product. 5315head gasket Zetor (1.2/8 hole/106mm) zet5Original equipment manufactures names and part numbers are quOted fOr reference purpOses Only and are nOt intended tO infer that Our replacement parts are used as Original equipment. Please contact us, we will give you the address your core needs to be returned to, and any other instructions.Have your order number and invoice number (if different) ready.Different types of parts go to different locations.If core charge instructions are not included with the new item: If the part you purchased is a different part than the one being replaced, partial or no refund may be given. The condition of the old part can affect the usability of the core, in some cases partial or no refund may be given. Kompletní sada (bez hadic): Orsta,pístnice s dráky, epy a mezikusy,drák orsty,hídel volantu,hydraulické roubení,hadice. A core charge is a deposit that is refunded after your old part has been sent back to a re-manufacturing facility.

Zetor 8011